PURE: Through The Word WINTER Printable Prayer Journal (FREE)

WINTER has arrived and is in full force in the Heart of Tennessee as we are expecting super cold temps for this Hard Holy Holiday weekend. My only sister is in the CCU slowly recovering from brain surgery as I write this. So, PRAYER has been a significant matter for me, these days. 

I've super struggled with what I term as the right way to PRAY for her, so, PRAYER PARTNERS, PRAYING PASTORS and praying folks, family and friends have been my go to in the months leading up to the surgery and all the many moments during and after the surgery. As of today one surgery has turned into three with a promise of at least one more. Corporate Church PRAYER, has been a mainstay as well. 

Months ago, through much personal PRAYER, I sat down and designed the covers for all of the upcoming Through The Word Prayer Journals. I also redesigned the back cover for consistency, moving forward. So, the KEYWORD for this season's WINTER prayer journal was selected and designed a very long time ago.


The Keyword PURE occurs some ninety-nine times in the King James Version of the Holy Word of God. Two of these occurrences are recorded as PURER. And one (Habakkuk 1:13) of these occurrences directly refers to the eyes of the Lord.

This, Through The Word Prayer Journal, focuses on the Key Word PURE, each daily prayer page provides a bible verse in which the Key Word PURE is used. Feel free to write out the verse in the space provided and use the Key Word PURE as you record personal prayers for folks, family, friends and foes. The daily prayer pages can be freely dated and answered prayers may be recorded and celebrated in a written fashion, on this page as well. 

This journal also provides space to write/record weekly and or monthly prayers for spiritual leaders, all those in authority, those in need of salvation and local, regional, national and international missions. 

CLICK on the above image for your instant FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of this Journal, then print it out and place it in a three ring binder and let's start our written and recorded prayerful focus of and on what the Holy Word of God states in regard to the Key Word PURE. 


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