WORD WOMEN WEDNESDAY: Get your cup "Full" and "Free" Spring into Summer 2018

According to Biblegateway.com, the root word “Full” occurs two hundred and sixty-seven times in the King James Version of The Holy Word of our Lord. The first occurrence of the word “Full” is found in the Book of Genesis. The final occurrence of the word “Full” is recorded in the Book of Revelation. Surprisedly the Book of Numbers comes in first place with the use of the word “Full” occurring some twenty-nine times! There are seventy-nine LexiConc entries that match the word “Full” on BlueLetterBible.com

Asheritah Ciuciu is the author of Full: Food, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction and a popular blogger and speaker. Full: Food, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction is the Summer Study for “New Vision Women’s Summer Online Bible Study Group on FaceBook. Ask to join the FaceBook Study Group and begin to discover why we need a spiritual solution for all of our food problems. 

Oh and check back here each Wednesday this summer as we continue our Free Online Key Word Bible Study of the word "Full"! The study starts today and ends on August 8th.
