Rebuilding Biblical Foundations in 2020: A Year Long Study of Genesis 1 - Day 3 Week 2/53 : GOD

Good Morning Y'all!

Today is day three of our study of In the beginning GOD and I'm not sorry to tell you, today is not very much different, then yesterday. God is Supreme, just as He was Supreme yesterday. Praise Time In Tennessee! Today we are studying verses nine through sixteen of In the beginning! This, the first chapter of the book of Genesis contains thirty-one power packed verses. Our Supreme God never changes, but his character has many facets. It is now that we have the opportunity to study God Supreme (H - Elohiym 430). And God Supreme commanded the waters and the dry land. And God Supreme called he seas and God Supreme observed the goodness of His work. And God Supreme commanded the earth to conduct its' business with grass, seed, and the fruit tree and it was so. And once again God saw the goodness of His work. And the evening and the morning were the third day. And God said, Let there be lights! In the wide open space of the heaven God decided to divide the day from the night, letting the division be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. And before it was all said, called, saw and our Supreme God made, y'all God made, y'all look here! Right here, In the beginning! God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night and the our Great and mighty supreme God God He made the stars also!
