When your past informs your present (ASHES)

I'm not Methodist, but my past informs my present and when we first moved to the Boro, some twenty years ago, My children attended a Wednesday Night Homework Helpers at Key United Methodist Church!

As a single Mother, it was a HUGE HELP to have teachers in and of the COMMUNITY, teach and encourage my children for two hours each and every Wednesday night. These Wednesday nights, also included super tasty complete with dessert meals, consistently and lovingly prepared by the CONGREGATION! 

And, this is where ASH WEDNESDAY, came into play for me and mine.

Please join us and enhance your Daily Bible reading with our Special Edition 4O Day Study of the Key Word “ASHES”. This study is available as a “ FREE DOWN LOAD”! Click on the link below for your very own INSTANT DOWNLOAD.

Be blessed and have a great week, in the Lord!
