The Five Year Anniversary And The Ministry Of The Word

Lord willing, next year we will celebrate the five year anniversary of the creation of Key Word Bible Studies! I purchased the domain for Key Word Bible Studies with a twelve dollar Christmas Gift from my husband. After five years of praying, searching, and dreaming I actually finally feel I know what Key Word Bible Studies is meant to be. Guided journals are definitely a part of our story, but my no means does it end there. 

As soon as Google (Blogger) and SquareSpace let us know all the in and out details, we will have a new website design. Google has handed off the selling of domain names to SquareSpace, so eventually this site will have a bit of a different framework and I am actually looking forward to the change, but I'm not sure what will actually become of Google Page Rankings. I know for now, the stats are no longer calculating and that's alright with me as we are actually in transition to what we are meant to be.

I have collected a bank of words which, more or less summarize the end result of this mission,  ministry and mandate and let's just say we have a whole lot of work to do between now and the end of December! 

I hope and pray to see you on the other side of all of our transitions!
