Concerning The Bride of Christ at Christmas - July 26, 2019


July 26, 2019

Been crying on and off for a few days now. ALL Day today, actually! One, of the many, many women our father used to shape me into the woman I am today, passed away this week. And I've been crying and crying. Y'all! Life is hard!

I met Ms.Peggy years ago, after putting my children on a VBS Bus the summer of 2007. It took me a while to get the courage to climb aboard. But, eventually, I did and when someone on the bus offered me a doughnut, that doughtnut took me back to the summer of 73, when the four of us (brothers and sister) boarded another VBS Bus (Franklin) with, you guessed it ... doughnuts! No one on the bus knew the impact of one little doughnut. 

Ms. Peggy's tried to teach me to lighten up on my children as she reminded me they were children. I super promise you there is absolutely no way, I would be the woman I am today, without other women like Ms. Peggy encouraging me in the Lord and helping me to see the errors of my ways. Y'all ... Not only did Ms. Peggy feed me and mine at my house but she also invited us to her house. Lord, I thank you for allowing Ms. Peggy to influence this my one life and the life of my children.
