CHURCH: a Biblical History of Horror, Hurt, Hope and Healing


Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors. Genesis 37:3 KJV

In the land of Canaan, Jacob's Father Isaac was a stranger, who learned the art of preferential treatment from his Daddy.

When a shepherd turned saint silently hurts his entire household, his name is Israel (Jacob) and he quietly displays and demonstrates favoritism in a church called Bethel.

And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel. Genesis 35:15 KJV

At seventeen years old, Joseph was a seeker of his brothers and it was not Joseph's fault, his Daddy chose to craft and create him a coat of many colors. But the crafting and creating was likely the catalyst for much horror and continuous years of hurt for the scripted favorite son Joseph, which is one of the earliest stories of the pattern of redemption, hope and healing found through-out the text of the Holy Word of God.

CHURCH: a Biblical History of Horror, Hurt, Hope and Healing: Genesis
