Summer is the perfect season for reading through the WORD!


It's getting hot out there! This summer in particular, is the perfect season to add a new item to our reading list! Let's read through the entirety of the WORD this summer! This is your personal invite to join THE CAN DO CHALLENGE this summer! It takes around 75- 80 hours for the average reader to read the entire bible, so I know we can do it in 90 Days! 

Simply, click on the image above for the Summer 2024, 90 Days Through The WORD Playlist. 

My name is Sonya McCllough Lockridge, I'm the owner and founder of a few things around the web and beyond and I've elected myself to be your Summer Bible Reading Buddy! Every day, after my likely, early morning reading plus coffee, I'll share with you, exactly what I recorded in my 90 Days Through The WORD journal, via YOUTUBE! Our next step will be to move, on to our next day of reading! It's that simple! 
