UPDATE 11-21-2024

The Key Word Method of essay preparation and outlining is not a new thing, it's just a thing I've secretly focused on for a number of years! It all started with my Bible Fellowship Class (Sunday School), where in which my teacher would encourage her students to write out the word of the Lord.  As the Lord would have it, I later stayed after Bible Study Fellowship for a group  Bible Study Fellowship Seminar in which the homiletical method of Bible Study was presented. 

My favorite homiletical teacher Donald Hamilton states that the "Key Word Method proves to be the most useful, once it is mastered." The Key Word Method requires at least two parallel ideas in the text that are related or not related, one to the other. The typical/basic Key Word Method of study requires at least twelve steps. But, as usual I have redesigned or shall we say added several steps to our Key Word Study Method. 

The steps I've added are basically the research of similar and or like words amid the 
Biblical Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic languages.

Please find below eight basic steps of Key Word essay/written message preparation

Advance Steps are located in our Signature Word Women Journals.

Track 1 - Select the word you will study? 
Track 2 - Find its English definition in the English dictionary.
Track 3 - Compare treatments of the word in the different translations.
Track 4 - Study the definition of the original word (Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic).

Track 5 - Discover where the word is used in the Bible.

A - How often does it occur? ____________________________________
B - In which book or books is it found?

C - In which book is it used most?

D - Where does the word first appear?

E - Where does it first appear in the book you are studying?

F - Which writers used the word?

Track 6 - Find the origin and root meaning of the word, how the word was used 
by the secular culture of the day.

Track 7 - Determine how the word was used in the Bible and how it would have 
been understood in the culture to which the Bible was originally addressed.

Track 8 - Note other words created from the key word 

