She studies truth until truth is embedded in her heart, mind & soul

She does much more than read truth everyday!
She studies truth until truth is embedded in her heart, mind, soul and spirit. She plants a vineyard of the word of truth in her heart which rekindles embers of the word of truth in her soul, now the everlasting sword of truth continues to fan the flames of fire. Not only does the sword of truth fan flames and create soul burning fires but it also cuts out and cuts down all the kudzu and the lies the enemy tries to use to create an unclean mind. She plants a vineyard of truth in her heart which is mind cleansing! Her spirit is renewed by rightly dividing the constant and continuous word of truth. (Repost from 1/20/18)

Key Word Bible Studies: blog, business, books, brand and curriculum exists to help and sustain women to better study, serve and share the Holy Word of God! 

Images sourced from Google.


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