Purim, Passover, PENTECOST, POWER

DANIEL was already PRAYER ready! 

Purim is behind us for 2020. And sadly PASSOVER is too. But we still have the opportunity to celebrate PENTECOST and operate fully in the fore PROMISED POWER the one and only Jesus promised to provided us with as he divinely departed to sit at the right hand of Glory. THE GOOD NEWS is unlike the disciples Jesus worked with, we who BELIEVE in the dead, buried and risen SAVIOR, WE don’t have to wait for the PROMISED POWER of THE HOLY SPIRIT, HE is within our reach all the time, any time. We don’t need a degree for him to lead us. We don’t need a building for him to guide us! And folks, family, friends and foes know we don’t need a fence, a mask or even a gun for him to protect us. The Beauty of PENTECOST is the Biblical fulfillment of THE GOD HEAD in the earthly realm to protect, provide and peacefully one day usher our spiritual selves to the heavenly realm. for we are all born to die but yet while we live let’s put on the full armor of God which thankfully includes the  breastplate of righteousness which indicates and concludes that our ELECTION is sure. And if our Election is sure than we have the POWER of PENTECOST populating and walking around both male and female, masked and unmasked, white and not white, walking, working, wondering around this NEW AMERICA and may the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob receive the glory, great things he hath done and continues to do.


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