Reading the Bible in 90 Days Roundup 2020

Back in 2018 we did a thing titled Reading the Bible In 90 Days Round Up, and yes it was part of The Can Do Challenge Commitment. So here we are at it again, rounding up and researching all of the Reading the Bible in 90 Days details we can find on the web. Of course this year we've decided to retitle our challenge (90 Days Through The Word) to align better with our mission and our message. But for now, please find a list of folks below who have written about and or completed reading the Bible in 90 Days! 

Amy Allender

Graceful Abandon

Looking At Christ

Coffee Swirls

Hello Sensible

Read The Hard Parts

Oh Amanda

Brown Sugar Toast

A Quiet Heart

Just Between Us

Light Enough

A Diligent Heart

Mercy Is New

Update July 1, 2023 - The 90 Days Through The Word Journal is now availabe at AMAZON for $10! Click on the link below or the image above to purchase!

The 90 Days Through The Word Journal
