Viewed more than one hundred thousand times!


This site has now lived in this space since December of 2017! And, over the years this site has joyfully evolved into being more than a blog site or website! We now have actual, hold em in your hands products! 

Since, the day, my husband gifted me with the $12 to purchase this domain, I have been on a mission to discover exactly what this site was meant to be. Too, be honest, I thought I had it all figured out, until earlier this year, someone in my life pointed me in a more accurate direction. 

You, see, left on my own accord, I would have fallen short, of what all this site and this ministry of the WORD was to be. But, thanks be to God for his people and new directions!

As, we can see below, as of today, this site has been viewed more than one hundred thousand times and over the years I've personally noted and noticed a greater use of biblical key words since the founding of this site and ministry! I am THANKFUL, and I do not take the responsibility of the gifting for granted or lightly!

After purchasing the domain is 2017, we published a few photo word type posts. But our first actual publishing was on 06 January of 2018. And since that time, we have published over 300 articles and or posts. That last number should be greater and I'm super sad and sorry, it is not. But know, I'm in the process of creating a plan of action to grow this space in greater depth and width over the few years. Which means, I will be vacating several social media channels in the coming year!

We do not hold any type of non profit status. And, like Paul, our aim is not to be a burden of the Church. Please visit our SUPPORT page, if you would like to monetarily help fund our mission.
