Notes of Faith In The Garden: Prayer is like planting seeds


Prayer is sometimes like planting seeds in and or on Fair Ground, when we trust and believe.

We get down low, on our knees to plant little seeds. To prepare the ground for planting seeds ... we poke a hole in the no longer frozen ground as a means of establishing the new position of the future plant. Next, we push the seed and or seeds into the dirt to set it firmly in place.

Then we gently pinch the set aside soil around the seed as a form of shelter. And finally, we post a placeholder above the ground, where the seed will one day spring forth. And then we wait, watch, water, work and wonder in awe of the day better known as the way.  

All of our prayers and planting of seeds is worthless if we get up off our knees and go back to our seat and continued to sit, raise our hands and cry. If you don't believe me, take a look at the legacy of the faithful in the book of Hebrews.

And Might we turn our attention this week to ...


Each of the people above paired prayer with an action. What is the action step you are prepared to place alongside your prayer?

PRAYER changes our walk from inactive to active.

Incarcerated Joseph reported the interpretation of the dreams back to Pharaoh. Job's conversation with the Lord ended in confession and repentance. Jonah, well we all know after much Jonah's went to the city of Nineveh. And then there is Jesus praying in the Garden.

What is the action step or steps our Father is compelling you to complete to enter your promised land?
